Time to go visit family and baby-sit a siamese cat in Alberta, while everybody goes on vacation. Actually the cat baby-sits me, if you have any idea what a siamese cat is like.
This clip is the latter half of the third movement from Mahler's Third Symphony....this is one of my favourite movements that he ever wrote. Great fun!
It has been so hot recently and I also forgot this past Wednesday to post a commemoration on the 150th birthday of one of my very favourite composers of all time...Gustav Mahler!
I'm a bit late with this clip. I had intended to post it on the Summer Solstice but I forgot. Considering how hot it is this past week, I can attest to the fact that summer is indeed here!
I have recently discovered this masterpiece on a two disc CD with Riccardo Chailly conducting the Royal Concertgebouw. This is a work I really should have known, but sadly I have never spent a lot of time discovering the music of Stravinsky. Shameful, isn't it, that I have not spent more time listening and discovering his works? Stravinsky is one of the greatest of 20th Century originals!
This 20th Century classic is a must hear for those who appreciate post romantic music. Schoenberg's sound world is closely modeled on the Wagnerian leitmotif, with lush orchestral scoring and pleasing melodies. It is a big and glorious masterpiece that must be heard! If you like the Mahler Eighth Symphony, this is a work for you!